The most common causes of this issue are:

Reading Teacher, 45(9), 696-703.Your IP address has been temporarily blocked due to a large number of HTTP requests. Developing phonemic awareness in young children. A picture book reading intervention in day care and home for children from low-income families. Whitehurst, G.J., Arnold, D.S., Epstein, J.N., Angell, A.L., Smith, M., & Fishel, J.E. Journal of Educational Psychology, 98, 63-74. The effects of a language and literacy intervention on head start children and teachers. Verbal protocols of reading: The nature of constructively responsive reading. Farstrup (Eds.), What research has to say about reading instruction. Developing expertise in reading comprehension. Pearson, P.D., Roehler, L.R., Dole, J.A., & Duffy, G.G. The relation of childcare to cognitive and language development. National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Report of the National Reading Panel: Teaching children to read. Everybody's selling it: But just what is explicit, systematic phonics instruction? International Reading Association, 366-376. Teaching reading in the 21st century, motivating all learners. Graves, M., Juel, C., Graves, B., & Dewitz, P. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 16, 186-202. Bringing it all together: The multiple origins, skills, and environmental supports of early literacy. Some neglected relationships in reading and language. Strategies and techniques in teaching reading. Double-space and use a hanging indent for entries of more than one line.īennett, D. Reference lists should always be alphabetized. The following are examples of correct APA citation of a work in the "References" section. Do not place a period after the URL or DOI. Name of the website in plain text and a period.

Title of page in italics followed by a period. (Date of publication in parentheses, followed by a period). Web Content: Up to nineteen authors, last name first, then first name or initial, followed by a period.(Issue number, if any, plain text in parentheses, followed by a comma if page numbers follow), page numbers in plain text followed by a period, then the URL. Title, if any, of the anthology or journal in which the cited work appeared, in italics, including the volume number if any. (Year of publication in parentheses followed by a period). Journal Entry: Up to nineteen authors, last name first, then first name or initial, followed by a period.Capitalize the first word of the title and subtitle only. Book Entry: Up to nineteen authors, last name first, then first name or initial, with an ampersand (&) to separate the final author (not the word "and"), followed by a period.The structure of an APA reference page is as follows: The references section should always begin on a new page rather than sharing one with the conclusion of the body. 50).ĪPA style calls for a " References" section, not a "Works Cited" page, at the end of the work. When paraphrasing, be sure to include author name, date and page number, just as you would with a quote: According to Smith (2009), the current data shows that more research is needed (pg.Block quotes have a lead-in phrase, are indented and single-spaced. Quotations longer than 40 words should be formatted as block quotes.For short quotations, a signal phrase followed by author, year and page number is sufficient: Smith states "further scholarship is called for on this important and timely subject" (2009, 50).Citations in the body of the work should include the author's surname, year of publication and page number of the citation.The abstract includes major information from the research such as topic, question, methodology, analysis, participants, and overall analysis. It should be titled "Abstract" and consist of 150 to 200 words.